From the relics of Rome to the flowing art of Florence to the ramps of Milan, the one trait that binds the different regions of Italy together is a fascination for all things fashionable. And this isn't just a passing interest in what's trendy, it is a finicky obsession for luxurious style.

It is this luxe and exquisite avatar of Italian fashion that Marco Mancini is ushering into India.

Marco Mancini marks the coming together of the finest fabrics from Italy's most reputed mills, the highest quality parameters and the most passionate craftsmen. Resulting in a collection that is as impeccable as it is irresistible.

Marco Mancini's world class fabrics are poised between tradition and innovation; each collection presents products with innovative and stylistic features that are remarkably advanced. Suffice it to say that creativity is built into every thread of Marco Mancini. And these threads include exotic blends like Wool Cashmere, Wool Angora, Wool Silk in super-fine counts of 160's and 180's, the most premium of Giza cotton and true rare linen.

Let your next fashion statement be in Italian. Let it be Marco Mancini.